22jul12:12STUDENTKONSERTStudentkonsert prick klockan 12.1212:12

Om evenemanget

Från och med måndag den 22a till fredag den 26 presenterar vi stolt våra fantastiska studenter i 5 lunchkonserter. Ta chansen att höra några av sveriges och världens mest lovande unga musiker spela styckena de arbetat med under veckan. Varje konsert börjar prick 12:12.

From Monday the 22nd through the week to Friday the 26th, we are proud to present our wonderful students in a series of lunchtime concerts. This is an exciting chance to hear some of Sweden and and the world’s most talented young players as they perform the pieces they have been working on during the week. Each concert will begin promptly at 12:12.


Performance length: 45′
Pris/ticket price: FREE (pre-booked free-ticket is required)

Event included in the following series (click to buy)

Single tickets will be available for purchase starting June 1


Kulturhuset i Ytterjärna

Pl 1800, 153 91, Järna, Sweden

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